07889 965855
About Me
Training, qualifications & experience:
I have over 20 years experience of working with children, young people and adults using a variety of methods, including humanistic person centred and C.B.T
I have found that EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can be a fast and effective modality to help promote change and self growth.
I have a Bsc Hons. I hold a CQSW.
I am a trained and qualified EFT & Matrix Reimprinting practitioner (EFTMRA).
Dip ASC Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
I am fully insured with Holistic Insurance Services.
"Thank you so much for all you have done to help me this year. I have had some tough times but have really benefitted from our sessions, they have really helped. Thank you for your time in helping me.
The sessions with Sarah have really been of help and given me a great way forward, I now feel confident to make the changes I need for a positive new me.
I was quite emotional and sad when I met with Sarah but I have really benefitted from the session and found a new way to manage how I feel – I feel much better now and happier. You have helped me get over my troubles. Thank you."
(age 11)
"Thank you so much Sarah for everything you have done for me over the last year. Having EFT with you I feel able to manage and cope thanks for what you have shown me.
Everything felt like a bad balancing act and I was scared I would fall apart before I met Sarah. The EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Sarah showed me has really helped, her sensitive way has supported me and shown me how to get over and move on from my fears and anxieties. I feel I have made changes that will last me a life time now.
I wasn’t sure about Tapping at first. It all sounded a bit strange but my partner persuaded me to give it a go, it’s amazing how quickly it works. It’s mad!"
"Thank you for all you have done. I miss your pearls of wisdom and can’t thank you enough for showing me how to use EFT and Matrix to help me calm my anxieties and manage my losses. You have helped and supported me more than you know over the past months, you have truly been my light on some very dark days."
"Sarah has such an amazing warmth and talent in what she does, I have been so fortunate to have met her. She has shown me how to let go of the blame and allow myself to feel happy and proud of what I have achieved.
I don’t feel as worried or scared of things since Sarah taught me the Tapping, it has helped me a lot. I feel happier now."
(aged 12)
"I highly recommend Sarah Muir-Timmins for EFT and Matrix reimprinting. I was at my wits end and didn’t know where to turn to get support for my daughter anxiety and within one session of seeing Sarah my daughter was a different child. Sarah is very engaging with children and has a very calming and professional manner. What’s so great about EFT is you learn how to manage your own symptoms. As a parent seeing your child suffer is heart wrenching but thankfully, I now know where to turn for support."